The Master's Welcome Message

Welcome to the Tennessee Lodge #204 F&AM Website.

Freemason’s constitute the oldest known fraternal organization. No one knows with certainty how or when the Masonic Fraternity was formed. Among Masonic scholars, it is generally accepted that the stonemason’s Guilds, whose members constructed most of the magnificent  castles, cathedrals, churches and temples in Europe during the Middle Ages, are said to be the beginning of our organization.  The first specific written reference to our Craft may be found in the Regis Poem, dated 1390 AD. Formal organization of subordinate lodges and Grand Lodges as we know them today began in England in 1777.

Symbolically, the Craft also dates itself to the days of King Solomon and the building of the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem. At times, we have been accused of being a secret society or a religion. Neither is true. Freemasonary does utilize rituals which incorporate signs, words, allegories and metaphors that descend both from Biblical text and our knowledge of the aforementioned Guild activity.

A Freemason professes a belief in GOD and bears an obligation to his family, his community and his country to be a man of honor and integrity. Our lodge endeavors to foster these values and provide for a strong fraternal experience for each of our brothers. And while we do not solicit members, we are always willing to explain the benefits of membership to any man who expresses an interest and wants to know more about us.

As the Worshipful Master of this lodge, it is my pleasure to encourage you to utilize this website to learn more about our lodge. Check out our History, read the Trestleboard for our current activities and research the FAQ’S ( Frequently Asked Questions) . This website is also utilized by our brothers and members of other lodges to keep current on lodge activities, especially through the Trestleboard and the Calendar.

If you are a visitor to this website and have further questions, please visit our "Contact Us" page and leave us a message.

Thank you for your inquiry and enjoy your visit.