The Master's Message

Tennessee Lodge #204

P.O. Box 621

Loudon, Tennessee 37774-0621

August 12, 2023

Dear Brethren,

So, far 2023 has been a great year. 

We received a 95.2 score on our lodge inspection this year with myself as the Worshipful Master getting my proficiency card, and I'm very proud of my officers who have worked very hard to make it happen and to better their selves also. 

We’ve also had some degrees come along with plural memberships and we had an AED donated to the lodge as well. 

All in all it’s been a good year so far.

I'm looking forward to seeing what else we can accomplish with the rest of 2023. 


Tim Manis

Woshipful Master


February 8th, 2019

Dear Brethren,

Year 2018 has been a very productive year at Tennessee Lodge #204. We have presented several Fifty Year membership presentations and several Twenty-five Year membership presentations, 7 Entered Apprentice degrees, 5 Fellowcraft degrees, and 5 Master Mason degrees. Our current membership stands at 197 Master Masons 35 of which are 50 Year Masons.

The James H. McGinnis Scholarship, in the amount of $1000.00, was presented for the 22nd straight year. This award is presented annually by our Lodge to a deserving graduating senior high school student who desires to continue his/her education.

At the beginning of this year as Worshipful Master, I set a few goals for the Lodge. Some of these goals were met. All the windows in the Lodge have been replaced with energy efficient windows that will conserve heating and cooling costs. We also have a one-call system in service that has shown to be very beneficial to the lodge. There is much more to do for the Lodge but my time is running out.

Brothers, it is dues time!! Enclosed you will find your dues notice for the year 2016 in the amount of $55.00. Dues are due January 1st. Please pay your dues promptly. 

Mail to: Tennessee Lodge #204 PO Box 621 Loudon, Tn. 37774-0621.

It does help the lodge cut down on expenses if dues are mailed promptly.

Don’t forget Brothers, we hold practice at the Lodge every Monday night. We always eat at 6:00 pm and practice always follows. This is an excellent time to share some great fellowship and take part in practicing our adopted rituals.


Randy Wendom Craig

Worshipful Master